MMT Company Spotlight: Meet Amanda Romig

Amanda, having only ever done school shows, realized a few years through studying education at college that something was missing. That missing thing was theatre. Having heard great things about MMT from some people who did DPAC as kids, she decided to audition and after a few tries got cast in the original Matilda which was meant to open in April 2020. After having to delay the show due to the pandemic, Amanda was part of that cast when we were finally able to open that show and has been here ever since.
Aside from performing (6 shows and counting!) on the Music Mountain Stage, Amanda is active backstage and within our resident company as well. She just finished the run of The Secret Garden as Wardrobe Assistant, helping the young actresses playing the lead role backstage and with their quick costume changes. You may also occasionally find her working in our concessions stand, or walking with and representing MMT in parades and other community events.
She is currently playing one of her dream roles, Bet, in our current running MainStage production of Oliver but also hopes that Godspell will make a return to the MMT stage in the future because she is a bit of a super fan of that musical. She credits this to her dad who played John the Baptist/Judas in the show when he was in school and passed on his love of the show to her. Amanda's favorite past role she’s had at MMT was being Tiara and Charlotte in our 2022 production of Elf!
When asked about being involved at Music Mountain Theatre, Amanda notes, “MMT is the epitome of authenticity and there are a few reasons for that. Of course, this sounds interesting considering we are getting onstage pretending to be people we technically aren’t. But that brings me to reason one: with every role I have portrayed here, I have noticed how I was able to put some facet of myself into the character in some way, and I’ve played some very different characters. As I think about my fellow performers I realize that they have done the same, which is a testament not only to how talented and versatile my fellow performers are, but to the directing team selecting the perfect people to showcase the character authentically.” She continues, The other reason that MMT is authentic is something I notice more when I’m in rehearsals or offstage. Not only does MMT welcome and accept everybody, but they take it a step further and EMBRACE everyone for who they are. I can’t tell you how many times people at MMT have gone above and beyond to support me in so many ways. People don’t expect this, but I am a very shy and introverted person who has always had trouble making friends or feeling accepted. At MMT, I’ve never felt the pressure to hide anything about myself for fear of seeming awkward…this space has allowed me to be myself while doing something I love, and I’m incredibly grateful for that!”
Amanda’s biggest takeaway from working at MMT is that “working with MMT has allowed me to experience so many shows that I hadn’t even heard of, let alone seen, and appreciate them and what they have done for the world of theatre.” Outside of MMT, Amanda is a special education middle school teacher who directs/choreographs the school’s musical each year. She also loves to read, journal, and watch movies; mostly Disney and movie musicals. Amanda can also speak Spanish, and does a pretty good Britney Spears impression!
We are so happy to have Amanda join our Music Mountain Theatre resident company for the 2023 season. Be sure to catch her final weekend as Bet in Oliver this Friday through Sunday and, keep an eye out for her in upcoming productions throughout the rest of our season.